Do Joyner Lucas and Logic Haev Beef

Joyner Lucas vs. Logic?

What do you guys think about each rapper? You like one and not the other, both, or neither? How do you feel about their beef? Who do you think is the better rapper and who do you think makes better music? Just curious what a lot of the rap community thinks

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level 1

Joyner is a good rapper, rapped circles around Logic on Sriracha. However, Logic killed him on Yuck. Especially that Elton John thing, holy shit. He makes Joyner sound small and thirsting for his attention

level 2

I agree with you on that. How I view it as a fan of both of them is that I think Joyner is technically a better but rapper but logic makes over all better music while still being a very technically skilled rapper.

level 2

Logic freestyled that verse on sriracha according to Tech N9ne in an interview. Joyner is the better MC but logic is the better rapper/artist at the moment?

level 2

Logic did pretty well with Yuck, but have you heard the Look Alive remix that Joyner put out on March 4th? Its got a couple zingers aimed back at Logic

level 1

Joyner is dope, he wins the beef any day. He can rap, has concept tracks, and a deep message. I don't mind Logic's message - I just don't think it's too sincere. Feels like he's pandering, in a way. He also copies different rappers styles. Like the chameleon of hip-hop. I'm sure he's a good dude, though.

level 2

I watched this video saying comparing Logic to Tarantino since both artist show a lot of influence in their works from their respected areas of work and it made me not really be as harsh on Logic's copying and understand it more, since as a fan of his I have noticed he does this

level 1

I love them both to much to choose

level 2

Ya I can agree that beefing with Logic was a bad idea lol but Joyner's got turn up songs lol, Ultrasound, Look What You Made Me Do, Stranger Things with Chris Brown. He def is pretty petty by continuing to push the beef but I still enjoy him as an artist. And as a huge logic fan I would like think Logic can rap on Joyner's level but never tried, but I have trouble believing that he hasn't tried to rap on that level on the over 5 complete projects.

level 1

Joyner had one big political statement song that went viral. He uses Logic's fame to gain some publicity. I HIGHLY doubt logic stole the idea of a phone number for 1800 from Joyner. And if he did, who cares. So many people use similar words and concepts for rap. He thinks logic bombed sriracha because Joyner wasn't big enough. Maybe Logic was busy with his own stuff and had to get a verse to Joyner. Who knows. Either way I think Joyner is just a cry baby. Logic wins beef hands down. And I'm not even the biggest logic fan tbh

level 2

I agree with you that Logic didn't steal the idea but Joyner has a lot of good songs that aren't 'Im not Racist" like Im Sorry and Ross Capichioni are both great songs. But ya he has pushed the beef too far, I have to agree with Joyner on the Tech Verse, Logic knew he was suppose to chop and its not like Tech isn't always on tour and as a Tech and Logic fan the verse really underwelmed me

level 1

I feel like Joyner is the better MC, more original lines and more original rhymes.

I love Logic but the guy recycles his own lines so fucking much that it's ridiculous. Its like he thinks of a good flow and he's like "what eight songs can I put this in?". Never noticed that in Joyner's music though

Still, I think Logic has the better production team behind him right now and he's a good MC

level 2

Ya I see that. As a logic fan I definitely notice the reused lines but I wouldn't agree it's as bad as "what 8 songs can I put in this" and Joyner also reuses lines occasionally but has a much smaller ammount of music compared to logic

level 1

They are both attention whores. Joyner is not even good he has the same monotone flow every song. So there's your answer.

level 2

Joyner is definitely a good MC, and have you listened to more than one of his songs? The guy switches flows more than most nowadays

level 2

damn lol. Thats a delivery your describing by the way with the monotone, a flow is the rhythm and syllable count over a bar. Also Logic is hungry for attention? expand on that a bit cause im blanking on examples and i feel i know a decent amount about logic


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