Men Dog Owner Slow Song Funny Bark

FlourishAnyway believes there is a playlist for just about any situation and is on a mission to unite and entertain the world through song.

Even dogs have identity crises. Now hand me the lipstick, darling!

Even dogs have identity crises. Now hand me the lipstick, darling!

Celebrate Your Love of Canines With These Songs

Sure, your mama might say she loves you best. And your spouse pulls double duty as a great friend. But the truth is that no one can give you the unconditional love of a dog. With their four paws, wet noses and incessantly wagging tails, dogs provide Prozac for the soul.

If you are lucky enough to share your life with a canine, then you already know that dogs can be counted on for an energetic "Welcome Home," even if you only went as far as the grocery store. They also offer sloppy kisses and close companionship—no matter the fact that you've been moody and unlikable lately.

Dogs: They're Prozac for the Soul

Dogs provide a tail-wagging salute that recognizes your brilliance, great ideas, and strong leadership. And they provide an occasional laugh as they crotch-sniff anyone they doggone please.

If you love dogs, then why not celebrate your devotion with this dog lover's playlist?

Whoa!  I'm adopted?  But we look so much alike!

Whoa! I'm adopted? But we look so much alike!

1. "Jump" by Van Halen

Don't you just love it when your four-legged friend is so excited that he forgets all his training? Throw all your doggy manners out the window with this classic 1983 Van Halen song:

Ah, might as well jump
Might as well jump
Go ahead an' jump.

2. "Happy" by Pharrell Williams

Be happy for a good reason, a bad reason or no reason at all. Pharrell Williams captures the essence of canine personality in this 2013 song that celebrates what it feels like to be deliriously, ridiculously happy.

3. "Dog Days Are Over" by Florence and the Machine

Referring to the hottest days of the year in July and August — weather that can get so hot that it supposedly drove dogs mad in ancient times — this catchy 2010 song by Florence and the Machine reassures us that the worst days are history.

4. "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" by Great White

As a child, I was bitten in the face by a neighbor's dog, and although it didn't make me phobic of dogs, it at least made me cautious for the next 50 years. This 1989 song by Great White recognizes how one unfortunate incident can leave an impression for life.

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5. "Atomic Dog" by George Clinton

When you hear this 1982 song by George Clinton, you'll be celebrating the awesomeness of dogs by humming its famous refrain for days. Bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yeah.

"The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue." -Unknown

"The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue." -Unknown

6. "Lick It Up" by Kiss

I'm willing to bet that legendary rock band Kiss probably wasn't singing about dogs when they recorded this song in 1983, but don't the lyrics remind you of your favorite pup? Let's hear it for dogs, who relentlessly taste and smell their way through life with no shame:

Lick it up, lick it up, oh, ooh
Don't need to wait for an invitation
You gotta live like you're on vacation.

7. "We're Gonna Be Friends" by White Stripes

This simple 2002 song is an ode to friendship on its most basic level as it describes two kids who meet in elementary school. Dogs provide a similar bond of companionship that is instinctual, loyal and uncomplicated by messy expectations.

8. "Count on Me" by Bruno Mars

Whether they have two feet or four paws, true friends provide so much more than someone to spend time with. If you've ever encountered a serious illness or challenge in your life, you know that pets can provide nourishment for the soul.

Whether your best friend is human or canine, celebrate the special bond with this Bruno Mars song from 2011:

Count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there.
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there.
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah.

"One reason a dog can be such a comfort when you're feeling blue is that he doesn't try to find out why." -Author Unknown

"One reason a dog can be such a comfort when you're feeling blue is that he doesn't try to find out why." -Author Unknown

9. "Come and Get It" by Selena Gomez

Like a master calling her hungry dog to dinner, Selena Gomez taunts and beckons her love interest in this 2013 song. We know Justin Bieber is listening, but is he worthy?

When you're ready come and get it
Na na na na ... .

10. "Bad to the Bone" by George Thorogood and the Destroyers

Dogs aren't bad to the bone, but if yours has ever played with a dead squirrel or chased a jogger, then you know that dogs can have puzzling behavior challenges. (You weren't perfect growing up, were you?) Consider this 1982 song a playful to be nod to all those doggie behavior habits, and just be glad for the ones that your dog doesn't have.

"My goal is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am." - Author Unknown

"My goal is to be as good of a person as my dog already thinks I am." - Author Unknown

12 Common Behavioral Issues In Dogs

Whoa Double Whoa Yikes


separation anxiety

excessive barking, howling or whining

destructive chewing

chasing cars, cats, children, runners, and other moving objects

soiling and urine marking


counter surfing and garbage raiding

biting, growling, and other aggressive behaviors

begging at the table


eating non-food items, including feces

They never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation. ~Jerome K. Jerome

They never talk about themselves but listen to you while you talk about yourself, and keep up an appearance of being interested in the conversation. ~Jerome K. Jerome

11. "Break Free" by Ariana Grande

Sometimes no matter how good you have it in your own back yard, it's tempting to want to break free to see how it feels on the other side of the fence. Ariana Grande recognizes that doggie truism in this 2014 song.

12. "Who Let the Dogs Out?" by Baha Men

Complete with barking sounds (woof, woof) , this 1998 song by the Baha Men asks an important question, but no one seems to know the answer.

The Cone of Shame

It's all fun and games until someone ends up in a cone.

It's all fun and games until someone ends up in a cone.

13. "B*tch" by Meredith Brooks

Technically, a "b*tch" is a female dog, however since the fourteenth or fifteenth century it has been used to used as an offensive reference to a sexually promiscuous woman. More recently, feminists have rebranded "b*itch" as a term for a strong, self-assured woman and have proudly claimed it as a backhanded compliment.

Meredith Brooks celebrates being one in her 1997 song:

I'm a b*tch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed.

I'm your hell, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it
Any other way.

"The pleasure of a dog is that you make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too." - Samuel Butler

"The pleasure of a dog is that you make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too." - Samuel Butler

14. "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley

Dogs typically live an average of 12-15 years, and it's up to you to make your dog's life a healthy and happy one. Sing this 1987 song in recognition of the devotion that they deserve:

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

15. "Puppy Love" by Donny Osmond

Childhood and preteen crushes are often called "puppy love" for the wonder and adoration felt towards a classmate or young friend. Remember passing notes in class and playing chase on the playground with the object of your sweet affection? Then life got more complicated and you had to learn to run with the big dogs. This 1972 by Donny Osmond reminds us that there's nothing more innocent and heartfelt than young love.

Ruh-Roe! It's Scooby-Doo!

Zoinks! In 2015, I met my childhood cartoon favorites, Scooby-Doo and Shaggy, at Universal in Orlando, Florida.  We shared a Scooby snack and some laughs.

Zoinks! In 2015, I met my childhood cartoon favorites, Scooby-Doo and Shaggy, at Universal in Orlando, Florida. We shared a Scooby snack and some laughs.

17. "Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf

Recognize your dog's wild roots with this 1968 song while appreciating how far he has evolved. Dogs diverged from wolves or wolf-like creatures approximately 40,000 years ago and have since become the oldest domesticated animal. Although they have wild origins, dogs have since developed the uncanny ability to understand and communicate with their humans companions. Their social-cognitive skills rival those of young children.1

16. "Howl" by Florence and the Machine

Someone get Florence and the Machine to PetsMart for some remedial doggie obedience training quick! In this 2009 song, the she-wolf protagonist proves that she is feral as she hunts down her beloved.

Dog Idiom Meaning

1. like the dog that caught the bus

finding yourself in a situation where you unexpectedly get what you want but then don't know what to do

2. crooked as a dog's hind leg

very dishonest

3. I've got to go to see a man about a dog.

I have to leave (without giving the reason why).

4. It's a dog eat dog world.

The world is ruthlessly competitive.

5. top dog

a person who is a leader in their field

6. sick as a dog

very ill, especially from a stomach ailment

7. A barking dog never bites.

Don't worry about someone who issues threats because they won't carry them out.

8. It's better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.

It's better to be the leader of a less prestigious group than to be a mere follower in a more prestigious one.

9. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Getting people to learn new skills and habits is almost impossible.

10. It's a dog's life.

Life is difficult and unpleasant.

11. Every dog has its day.

Each of us is bound to have good fortune or success at some point.

12. That's the tail wagging the dog.

A scenario in which a small part is having an inordinately large impact.

13. dog and pony show

highly promoted, often over-staged performance, presentation, or event

14. He's bird-dogging me.

He's following or watch me overly carefully.

16. go to the dogs

getting worse, degenerating

17. like a blind dog in a meat market

aimless and out of control

18. Why keep a dog and bark yourself?

Don't do a chore yourself that you've hired someone else to do.

19. I don't have a dog in this fight

I don't have a vested interest in the outcome of this situation.

20. That dog don't hunt.

That plan will fail (or isn't going to happen).

21. It's raining cats and dogs!

It's raining very heavily!

22. dog in the manger

a person who out of spite keeps something that is of no use to them even though someone else might benefit from it

23. Sometimes you're the dog; sometimes you're the hydrant.

Sometimes things go your way, and other times they don't.

24. pretty as a speckled pup

very pretty; best of the bunch

25. Let sleeping dogs lie.

Don't provoke trouble.

Who doesn't enjoy a good shake after a bath?  No towels required!

Who doesn't enjoy a good shake after a bath? No towels required!

18. "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift may be a cat lady but her chart-topping 2014 song is definitely a dog worthy delight. And who doesn't love doggie bath time? Soap and water may be fun, but the shake off is what makes it all worthwhile.

19. "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol

In this 2006 song, it's the people who are chasing cars for a change. However, in real life dogs can get in real trouble chasing cars, cats, joggers, wildlife, kids, cyclists, and anything else that moves.

I used to walk a Malamute named Zack who was ordinarily penned up 24/7 in a neighbor's back yard. Zack was a sweet dog but took off like a bandit every time a jogger passed us. Luckily, we never caught any joggers — mainly because they turned into fast runners.

20. "Waiting for Love" by Avici

Why not be the blessing in a homeless animal's life? This 2015 song by Avici will remind you that the desire to be loved and needed binds us all, whether we have two or four legs.

Each year, 60% of dogs and 70% of cats who enter U.S. animal shelters are euthanized. And 25% of dogs in shelters are purebred.2 Sterilize your pet today to avoid unwanted litters, and donate generously to your local animal shelter until every adoptable pet has a loving home.

"I love dogs. They live in the moment and don't care about anything except affection and food. They're loyal and happy. Humans are just too damn complicated." - David Duchovny

"I love dogs. They live in the moment and don't care about anything except affection and food. They're loyal and happy. Humans are just too damn complicated." - David Duchovny

21. "Hopelessly Devoted to You" by Olivia Newton John

They say that the dog is the only animal who has ever seen his god. This 1978 song reflects the utter devotion that your dog shares for you.

22. "Stand by Me" by Ben E. King

The entire world may turn its back upon you, but your dog will be right there. This 1961 song recognizes the enduring friendship and unconditional positive regard that dogs have for their humans.

23. "Ain't Nothing but a Hound Dog" by Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley tweaked the lyrics of this previously released song by Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton in what became an instant classic for him. It took Elvis 31 takes to get the recording right, but Rolling Stone Magazine named it as one of the 100 best songs of all time.

24. "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" by Jim Croce

This fun 1973 song by Jim Croce tells the story of a man who is "meaner than a junkyard dog" but got his comeuppance when he made the wrong fella angry. As they say, "Sometimes you're the dog; sometimes you're the hydrant."

25. "Rescue Me" by Fontella Bass

This 1965 song is a tribute to all the dogs who have yet to find a forever home. They're waiting!

Rescue me
Oh, take me in your arms
Rescue me
I want your tender charms
'Coz I'm lonely and I'm blue
I need you and your love too.

There are few things dogs won't do to please the humans they love.

There are few things dogs won't do to please the humans they love.

Even More Songs for People Who Love Dogs

Got a suggested song that belongs on our dog lover's playlist? Comment below.

Song Artist Year Released

26. How Much Is That Doggie In The Window

Patti Page


27. Me and You and a Dog Named Boo



28. You've Got A Friend

James Taylor


29. I Love My Dog

Cat Stevens


30. Diggin' Up Bones

Randy Travis


31. Feed Jake

Pirates of the Mississippi


32. Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine

Tom T. Hall


33. Leash

Pearl Jam


34. Walking the Dog

Rufus Thomas


34. Ol' Red

Blake Shelton


35. Your Love Is So Doggone Good

The Whispers


36. I'll Be Doggone

Marvin Gaye


37. Hair of the Dog



38. Every Dog Has Its Day

Toby Keith


39. She Wolf



40. Man of the Hour

Norah Jones


41. Move It On Over

Hank Williams


42. You're My Best Friend



43. Love Me, Love My Dog

Peter Shelley


44. Old Shep

Elvis Presley


45. I'll Take the Dog

Ray Pillow & Jean Shepard


46. Love Me Like My Dog Does

Billy Currington


47. My Dog and Me

Joh Hiatt


48. Maggie's Song

Chris Stapleton



1Carollo, Kim. "Dogs Follow Humans' Gazes Just As Infants Do, Says Study." ABC News. Last modified January 5, 2012.

2Statistic Brain Research Institute. "Animal Shelter Statistics." Statistic Brain. Last modified July 13, 2014.

© 2015 FlourishAnyway

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on November 25, 2018:

Pamela - Thank you for visiting and for your kind comments. I'm glad you enjoyed this so much!

Pamela Dapples from Arizona. on November 24, 2018:

Wow -- this hub was great. I didn't get to look up all the songs, but the few I did were new to me and I enjoyed every minute. I especially liked Bruno Mars, Count On Me. (I'd only heard one of his songs before.) And your lists are terrific. e.g. Peter Shelley's song, Love Me, Love my Dog. One of the most comprehensive hubs I've seen in my days and so fun to go back in time a bit.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on April 01, 2018:

Jerry - Thanks for the suggestion. I hope your dog returns.

Jerry on March 31, 2018:

David Ball - A walk on the wild side of life

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 13, 2017:

Mauie Cane - Glad you enjoyed this. Give my love to the dogs. They are all winners to me.

\Mauie Cane on March 13, 2017:

Thanks it useful playlist for Dog Show

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 28, 2016:

JanTUB - sounds like a truly delightful pair! Thanks so much for sharing.theit talents!

Jan T Urquhart Baillie from Australia on March 28, 2016:

We have two tiny (2kg) aussie mini foxies, and they love to sing. Daisy is the loudest and even has different "words" for different songs! Her very favourite is the Alleluiah Chorus. The residents at a local aged care home love to hear her, and they will have double the joy when they meet Poppy who joins in.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on March 06, 2016:

Peggy - Thanks for your support and for pinning and sharing. It's doggone nice of you to do so! Have an awesome week!

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on March 06, 2016:

You do such a great job with these playlists. Especially loved this one with all the cute dog pictures, etc. Now I have some of those songs reverberating in my head. :) Pinned and shared.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on December 20, 2015:

swalia - Thank you for your kind comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the list of dog loving songs. Merry Christmas.

Shaloo Walia from India on December 18, 2015:

Being an enthusiastic lover, I simply loved this hub. And such cute images of our furry friends!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on October 28, 2015:

Rebecca - Thanks so much! I appreciate your stopping by. Have a great rest of your week.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on October 28, 2015:

Peg - Thanks for stopping by and for the kind comment. Elvis' song is #23. Have a great day singing "Jump" and other songs.

Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, USA on October 28, 2015:

Brilliant. Simply brilliant. LOVE this. SO entertaining, fantastic job!

Peg Cole from North Dallas, Texas on October 28, 2015:

These are fantastic observations about dogs and the songs to go with them. I loved the photo of Scooby-Doo and Shaggy at Universal Studios. (Zoinks!) That is one of our favorite places to go on vacation.

PS. Now I'll be singing "Jump" for the rest of the day. Another song that I like about dogs is "Everything Reminds Me of My Dog." Did you use "I Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dog"? Fun Hub.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on October 04, 2015:

Thanks, Lady_E! I appreciate your kind comment and visit. Have a great week!

Elena from London, UK on October 04, 2015:

Thanks for a very unique and more than interesting Hub. Beautiful photos too. Congrats on your 100th Hub.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on September 28, 2015:

Rebecca - Thanks for stopping by! Jump is so appropriate for dogs, isn't it? Have a wonderful week!

Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, USA on September 28, 2015:

Nice hub for dog lovers! I enjoyed it. I love Van Halen's Jump, and it describes my dogs well. They get so excited!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on September 05, 2015:

Sheila - You are right. Dogs are such beautiful souls. Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on September 04, 2015:

sujaya - Thank you for stopping by!

sujaya venkatesh on September 02, 2015:

dog lovers make a note

Sheila Brown from Southern Oklahoma on September 02, 2015:

I love the songs and all the pictures! It's too bad that people can't be more like dogs, unconditional love and loyalty. We need more of that in our world!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on August 31, 2015:

Better Yourself - Thanks so much for the enthusiastic approval!

Better Yourself from North Carolina on August 30, 2015:

EXCELLENT hub! Definitely one of my favorites as I'm a huge lover of pups and animals in general! Not sure I can pick a favorite from this playlist as they all had me smiling and/or singing along :D

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on August 24, 2015:

swalia - Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. Dogs are a true delight!

Shaloo Walia from India on August 24, 2015:

i have had dogs since i was a kid...currently i have an adorable 5-year old pug...loved this hub of yours and enjoyed the videos.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 25, 2015:

Kristen - Some of them were new to me, too! Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend up in Northeast Ohio!

Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on July 25, 2015:

Great list Flourish. Some of those songs--and some of those idioms--I never heard of. But the rest I have. Voted up for awesome, since I love dogs (and cats.)

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 25, 2015:

ezzly - Thanks so much! Glad you loved this! Have a great weekend!

ezzly on July 24, 2015:

This is my favorite hub of yours! That top picture of the dog in the tutu just cracks me up !!! You made my day, thank you. Voted up awesome and sharing on twitter

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 24, 2015:

Linda (M Twin) - Thank you for your kind kudos. Dogs are babies, friends, exercise partners, the whole world to those lucky enough to have one (or more). Have a great weekend.

Linda Rogers from Minnesota on July 24, 2015:

I had to hit every button on this adorable hub about dogs. You did a great job picking songs that made me smile. I don't know what I'd do without my furry babies. "unconditional love" is the perfect way to describe my dogs. Thanks for starting my weekend with a smile.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 24, 2015:

Mona - Thank you for your kind compliment! Have a great weekend.

Mona Sabalones Gonzalez from Philippines on July 24, 2015:

I was expecting to find "How much is that doggie in the window," haha. but it was nice to discover Van Halen and I love Taylor Swift and Bruno Mars. Pharell's dog version was really adorable. This one is truly a great list.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 21, 2015:

CrisSp - Thanks so much! Have a great week!

CrisSp from Sky Is The Limit Adventure on July 21, 2015:

You must have put a lot of your energy in this hub but it's worth all the trip here.

Great article, very entertaining and fun hub! Sharing....

Yeah, shake it off!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 09, 2015:

Shyron - Thanks for the addition and for voting, sharing. I'll make this 45 songs now! Have a great week!

Shyron E Shenko from Texas on July 09, 2015:

One song that I love you missed, "I'll take the Dog" by Jean Shepard & Ray Pillow, otherwise this is perfect. In you poll you can add all of the above.

Great job.

Thumb up UABI and shared

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 08, 2015:

Linda - I appreciate your kind kudos. Have a great week!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 08, 2015:

Frank - Thanks a bunch!

Frank Atanacio from Shelton on July 07, 2015:

had to come back and share it m friend

Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on July 06, 2015:

Thanks for sharing the entertaining photos and the interesting information, Flourish. This is a very enjoyable article, like all your other playlist hubs.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 06, 2015:

Frank - Aww, that is so nice. You know I wrote this for you! Have a great week!

Frank Atanacio from Shelton on July 06, 2015:

This was the best Hub of the Year... Paws Down... You made my whole week.. and Ill come back to visit this hub again and again bless you

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 06, 2015:

Genna - Imagine what the world would be like if everyone just took in a dog as a best friend. We'd all be so much nicer and more social. Have a wonderful week!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 06, 2015:

Larry - I have heard that dogs are children in fur coats. Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful week!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 05, 2015:

VioletteRose - Thank you! Have a great week!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 05, 2015:

Bill - My cats and I thank you for reading! Hope you've had a great holiday!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 05, 2015:

travmaj - Thank you for your kind words and for stopping by. I have added Old Shep. That was one of Elvis' early ones! Have a great week ahead!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 05, 2015:

John - Thanks for the addition and the up vote! Have a terrific week!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 05, 2015:

BlossomSB - I'm so sorry about the loss of your beloved friend. I have had to do the same to two of my elderly cats in the last few months, and it is so hard albeit the only humane and loving thing really. I wish you peace and happy memories of your time with her. She thanks you for your compassion and all the good years you spent together.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 05, 2015:

MsDora - Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you've had a wonderful weekend.

Genna East from Massachusetts, USA on July 05, 2015:

"Prozac for the soul." What a terrific hub. If I had to pick one song from this fun playlist, it would be "Stand By Me." Thank you for this reading delight...the perfect way to spend a Sunday evening. :-)

Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on July 05, 2015:

I love all animals, but dogs have a special place in my heart.

Wonderful list and great photos and idioms.

Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on July 05, 2015:

I couldn't have come up with a better list of pooch tunes! And, yes, we've experienced everything from Whoa to Yikes. This last week, pooches got a dose of the groomer and they've been trying to "Shake It Off" by rolling in the grass to re-stink themselves to pre-groom state.

P.S. Love the Scooby Do pic. :)

Voted up, funny and awesome, of course! Hope you're enjoying the July 4th holiday weekend!

VioletteRose from Atlanta on July 05, 2015:

Great list of songs for those who love dogs!

Bill De Giulio from Massachusetts on July 05, 2015:

Another great list Flourish. Always been a dog lover, they are the best. Hope your having a great 4th of July weeknd.

travmaj from australia on July 05, 2015:

This entertained me this morning. As a true blue dog lover it

certainly engaged me. Yes, I thrive on that unconditional love. The photo's are endearing and the idioms made me smile. I use many of them without thinking. May I add one more to your list, Old Shep - Elvis sings it - it is one of my top doggie moments.

John Hansen from Gondwana Land on July 04, 2015:

What a great collection of songs devoted to our doggie friends Flourish. Excellent and funny pics too. One other song not oldie "Love Me, Love My Dog". I enjoyed these, voted up.

Bronwen Scott-Branagan from Victoria, Australia on July 04, 2015:

Lovely tribute to dogs, and funny, too. I lost mine recently, well, I didn't actually lose her, she was so old and unwell the only kind thing to do was to have her put down, but I miss her so much!

Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on July 04, 2015:

I need Amusing and Entertaining buttons to vote for this one, but I'll use what's there. A great presentation and thoroughly enjoyable.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 04, 2015:

mary615 - I'm sure she is as devoted to you as you obviously are to her! It's funny how we'll do anything for our animals. I hate to go on vacation because I miss my cats so much. Have a wonderful July 4th with your pooch! Thanks for voting, sharing, pinning, too!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 04, 2015:

Carb Diva - I'm naturally much more of a cat purrson but I love all animals. I usually take up with a neighbor's dog who needs extra attention. Have a safe and happy July 4th!

Linda Lum from Washington State, USA on July 04, 2015:

Floursh, I'm more of a cat-person, but this was delightful. I love the photos (especially the cone of shame). You do these so well! Hope you have a great weekend.

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 04, 2015:

Bill - Thanks for stopping by! Have a terrific holiday weekend!

FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 04, 2015:

Theresa - I sure hope you have a tail wagging time this July Fourth. Thanks so much for stopping by and for sharing. I've been on vacation and am just now getting back into the real swing of things. I went to a great beach hotel in Vero Beach, Florida (as well as Disney and Universal). The hotel permitted dogs but that didn't help me much being a cat owner. Made me just want to come back home to my own animals. Have a happy 4th!

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on July 04, 2015:

Your playlists are always fun to read. Thanks for another enjoyable one.

Happy 4th of July to you!

Mary Hyatt from Florida on July 04, 2015:

If I see anything with DOG in the title, I've just got to check it out! I'm so glad I checked out your Hub this morning. I am just amazed at how you found all this info and great photos!

I am hopelessly devoted to my Min. Schnauzer, and I think she feels the same about me.

Voted this UP and shared here. Will also PIN to my dogs board.

Faith Reaper from southern USA on July 03, 2015:

Ruh-Roe ... What? The cat lover woman writing a hub about dogs! LOL, this is truly an awesome tribute to dogs and your song picks are off-the-charts great!

That Taylor Swift one has me cracking up to no end. Adorable photos and captions here, as always.

Thank you for the smiles this evening, dear Flourish. I love that photo of you there with Scooby-Doo and Shaggy too. I used to watch that show all the time hahaha.

Dog lovers everywhere we love this dog-gone good hub here.

Up and all the way across, tweeting, pinning, G+ and sharing, of course!

I hope you and yours have a wonderful Fourth.

Blessings always,



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